26th August 2020
Dear Students
How are you and all

we all at Blossom School hope you all are safe
and healthy
and attempting your pre-midterm examination daily?
Students your mind
has a tendency to lose information. But if the mind
is supposedly so powerful
, why does it forget? There is a simple principle of recollection and memory for the brain.
Students if the subjective information you’ve tried
and grasped, has no immediate use, it will be lost from the current memory.
This does not mean students you will forget it completely but yes,
most of it. In fact students, the mind loses as much as 75% of the learnt matter within one day of studies. Thus as you, all are
Blossom School super ideal, 
students, the solution for the above text is only that don’t take such long breaks in your studies, 
try to implement as your habits of regular and daily studies, fix sometime.
Students you study and then bury it away only to find a month later that most of it is lost. Using regular
and daily Fast revision Techniques
(FRT)can keep your memory
at a constant level.
Remember always students the day you have learnt something,
revise it once a more same day, make sure you know it well, at the end of the week go through the same topic. Once again at the end of the month 
revise it and keep doing it every month.
Students soon you all will develop an amazing memory.
Today is the fifth day of Ganesh Utsav and we throw some light on the medicinal
plants used in the puja
and their benefits.
Do you know students
Ganesha’s favourite food?
Modak is one of the favourite foods of Lord Ganesha.
Till then stay fit
and healthy

Blossom school
Bharatwada road
Nagpur Maharashtra